| 11. | The interpretation of the above equation is that particle motion is hindered by a drag force.
| 12. | The calculated viscous drag D _ v use entropy changes to accurately predict the drag force.
| 13. | This effect is called the Zener effect after the man who estimated this drag force to
| 14. | Since the drag force is proportional to the area, you'd have 4.7 times less drag force.
| 15. | Assuming no additional drag forces, momentum is conserved.
| 16. | This is the most efficient configuration, as the drag forces on the propeller are the lowest.
| 17. | Newton's drag force theory was finally proved incorrect.
| 18. | The conventional Stokes number will significantly underestimate the drag force for large particle free-stream Reynolds numbers.
| 19. | Since the drag force is proportional to the area, you'd have 4.7 times less drag force.
| 20. | In the drag force case, the relative wind speed decreases subsequently, and so does the drag force.