| 11. | It is, however, included in the larger Study Area boundary.
| 12. | Shotts station is the last stop before the SPT area boundary on the Shotts Line.
| 13. | It encourages skiers, snowboarders and snowshoers to join naturalists on tours within ski area boundaries.
| 14. | All subject area outcomes are clearly defined, but learning is linked across these subject area boundaries.
| 15. | The 2012 draft East Devon Local Plan recorded 716 houses within the Built Up Area Boundary.
| 16. | Ward boundaries were altered in 1999, to create 80 new wards, but management area boundaries were unaltered.
| 17. | Of note when drawing Core Area boundaries:
| 18. | In Laos, up to 200 individuals were estimated to inhabit protected area boundaries in the mid 1990s.
| 19. | Roaming beyond ski area boundaries, young adventurers push into wilderness areas, seeking the freedom of uncut powder.
| 20. | The school receives its students through the American High School attendance area boundary set by the district.