| 1. | It might have been waiting for Maurice Ravel to orchestrate it.
| 2. | The dominant figure of Dutilleux's musical youth was Ravel.
| 3. | Ravel's repetitions build; Lubovitch's merely bore.
| 4. | "Much more rhythm, " he told Ravel.
| 5. | And she brought a welcome lyrical directness to the Ravel songs.
| 6. | Screenplay by Joseph Rusnak & Ravel Centeno-Rodriguez.
| 7. | Musical selections include Ravel's " Bolero,"
| 8. | The first movement of Maurice Ravel's Basque dance rhythms.
| 9. | Ravel and others urged Faur?to compose one of his own.
| 10. | A substantial number of these players performed at the 1930 Ravel.